
Dream Away font family featured on Interrogang Podcast

Our script font Dream Away has been featured on Interrogang's Podcast on the episode called A buffet of Fonts

The Interrogang Podcast

is a weekly podcast of typography, co-hosted by Joshua Dick and Kyle Read Is highly recomended for anyone interested in type, graphic design, branding, art, creativity, friendly conversations.

"Resistenza's Type release a new script typeface called Dream Away. Based on a wide hand writing form with most excellent variety of fuzzy line textures and weights, so to be specific, is a range of six weights and two rough styles into weights, for a total of eight typefaces in the family, so I’ve never been that into slowly scripts like this one feels a little bit more stylised and extended in the joints, which is never me my thing but that’s OK. But I can really respect one when it’s clear that fun was had in its design process, this one look like Resistenza had a good time making it and it’s pretty cool. And Dream Away does a great job of reflecting realistic handwriting, the real handwriting with the imperfections it’s really hard to design imperfection well were too used to being as clean and lovely and it really makes it feel like this is how someone could write, and is not always the loveliest. Yeah with all the tools we have got, precision really isn't the default these days and to make something rough, like a rough hand textured style it’s refreshing almost and it's executed that well."

Thank you so much guys for the feauting and for all these nice words.